Wednesday, April 14, 2010



Can I be obsessed with a season? Well I am! I love looking at all my favorite websites seeing the new sundresses, sandals, bags and straw hats. I'm not totally psyched about the swimsuits but hey, it can't all be perfect. Is anyone as ready for the warm breezes and generally relaxed air of summer as I am?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Marc-y Marc

Marc Jacobs! Where did he come from? I mean I'd heard of him but never really followed anything until recently. I find myself searching Piperlime seeing what's the latest from Marc Jacobs. It's so cute but not in a way that says your goal is to attract pedophiles. There is a sense of whimsy that I deeply get! I mean, look at these earrings! They say to me you're the kind of person who wore your favorite ice creamed stained t-shirt and tuutuu with pride when you were 5. You're that kind of cool.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Wide Calf Boots

Today...I'm obsessed with the wide calf boot. I was given the genetic "gift" of linebacker calves. They are generally not that big an issue except when trying to find boots. Specifically, boots that go higher than my ankle. Over the years I've bought (and returned) many a boot that claimed to be wide calf but stopped below the calf line when trying them on. Since I generally can not find these in store I have to order online, which then tacks on the added insult of lost shipping costs.

So why am I looking for boots at the end of the season? I recently saw my petite sister-in-law looking adorable in boots and decided I would find some! So what do I do? I go to the usual suspects;,,, and They all had a smattering of options when searching for "wide calf", but to be fair it is the end of the season. The upside is those smattering of options were, for the most part, on sale. I then decided to just plain old google for "wide calf boots" and found The site isn't the prettiest but I liked that it took the time to point out all the details that will affect the fit of your boots. Things like "there is a very tapered ankle on this boot" or "if you're under 5'3 you'll want to add an inch to your calf circumference." The site is nicely organized and each listing has a wealth of information.

I haven't purchased but as soon as the funds allow I will be back!

The Name

I like so many of us out there am a consumer! I like to buy things and I admit it. Do I do it with reckless abandon? No! I consider myself more of of an obsessive looker and occasionally I buy. But I'm always looking...looking...

So I thought I'd create something to log my obsessions and when creating the title, I wanted to call it The Daily Obsession, plain and simple, but it was taken so I reached for the handy thesaurus. When I entered "obsession" it was defined as such, "fixation; consumption with belief, desire " It was the "consumption with belief" that caught my attention. I think all us consumers would agree that we do do just that, consume with belief. We consume with the belief that whatever that next purchase is, it will enrich our lives. Make it better somehow. And then it's immediately on to the next thing. But who am I kidding, in the end a shopper is a shopper is a shopper. No, bullshit here. I just like stuff.